Cass County Democratic-NPL Policy Meeting
VirtualCass County Democratic-NPL will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. Virtual meetings are presently being held. Contact to get connection info.
Cass County Democratic-NPL will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. Virtual meetings are presently being held. Contact to get connection info.
Join us on Monday, March 27th at 6:30pm to discuss what bills our D16 legislators have sponsored and how they've voted. We'll have a conversation about book bans, LGBTQ rights, […]
Join your District 44 neighbors to talk about our neighborhood, our city and our state.
District 44 legislators Sen. Merrill Piepkorn, Rep. Karla Rose Hanson and Rep. Josh Boschee will hold a series of public forums during the 2023 legislative session. They'll be held the […]
Join us to plan our May Membership Drive and Legislative Wrap-up. Remember, the Plus means Men can join too. And Membership is only $10/year. Our fundraising goes directly to members […]
Cass County Dem-NPL business includes updates on office space, election of Region 8 Rep, future events and trainings. Contact us at for virtual link.
Please join us for the 6th Annual Governors Dinner! As spring comes to the prairie, this is when we come together as Dem-NPLers from across the state to honor the […]
The CCDEM's meet the second Tuesday of each month to plan activities to support local and regionwide candidates. Each of our 11 Districts can have 3 representatives on this committee.
Let's get together! Meet your neighbors and legislators! Stop by for free coffee and donuts.
The Plus means all are welcome — even nonmembers! Join us for an evening of food and fellowship with our Dem-NPL friends. A light supper will be served. We are […]