District 16 Meeting -CANCELED

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

District 16 meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30pm at Headquarters on 32nd Ave.

District 22 Meeting – CANCELED

Hagge's Bar & Grill 650 Carl Olsen St, Mapleton, ND, United States

Monthly Meetings will be held on the third monday of the month weather permitting. Help us prepare for the 2018 election this year. Minutes will be added one week prior to the meetings. Changes in location will also be made public. Email samuel.wagner@live.com if you are interested in helping.

Cass County Dem-NPL Policy Committee Meeting

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month.  Each district has 3 voting members.  Meetings are open to all!

District 44 Legislative Forum

Northport Library 2714 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United States

Senator Merrill Piepkorn, and Representatives Josh Boschee and Karla Rose Hanson will provide timely reports on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session. We will meet at the Northport Library Community Room (2714 Broadway N, Fargo).

District 21 Legislative Forum


Senator Kathy Hogan and Representatives Mary Schneider and LaurieBeth Hager will provide updates on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session.  Location & time TBD

ND Democratic-NPL State Policy Meeting

Sheyenne Riverbend Farm 3716 117th Ave SE, Valley City, ND, United States

Valley City - Sheyenne Riverbend Farm (3716 117th Ave SE Valley City ND 58702) -noon (Exec at 10:30am).

D44 DemNPL January Meeting


Our first D44 meeting of the year! Come meet your neighbors and see what is planned for the rest of the winter in District 44!

ND District 45- DEM NPL Meeting

Herds and Horns 1414 12th Ave N, Fargo, ND, United States

All, Our next meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 14 at Herd & Horns. Please consider bringing nominations for District officer seats. I will be stepping down this month. Thanks! ​Jeff

District 41 Dem-NPL Monthly Meeting

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us for our monthly District 41 Democratic-NPL meeting. We'll be discussing our upcoming events and our work for February.