Avalon Events Center
2525 9th Ave S, Fargo, ND, United States
Your Invitation to the DWP Holiday Dinner Party Important: Dinner RSVPs and Payment are required by November 30th. If you are a member of the CCDWP you will receive an invitation and form in the mail that you can RSVP with. If you are not a current member and wish to attend RSVP by messaging […]
Family Fare Community Room
1100 13th Ave E, West Fargo, ND
District 13 meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Family Fare on 13th Ave S. We work to elect local democrats. In 2020, we will participate in a Presidential Caucus in ND.
Mail in voting begins for Democratic Candidates that have requested to be on our ballot. 1) In person voting is Tuesday, March 10th 2020 from 11AM to 7PM Central Time and from 10AM to 6PM Mountain Time. Locations will be announced. 2.) Request mail-in ballot: from January 20th to February 25th from: (email) caucus@demnpl.com or (phone) (701) 255-0460 […]
Hooligan's Bar and Grill
509 32nd Ave W, West Fargo, ND, United States
Everyone is welcome to join us! We will be discussing the upcoming district convention in February where we'll elect a new district chair and select delegates to the state convention. We will also be sharing info on the Presidential primary in March. Other topics include the upcoming steak fry fundraiser and the results of the […]
Cass County Democratic-NPL
1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States
District 46 is going to start making their monthly meetings active by having phone banks to reach fellow voters in south Fargo! We'll be calling district residents letting them know about the upcoming election, district re-organization and getting their thoughts on North Dakota's current state of affairs. It IS bring your own phone for this […]