Events for March 19, 2020 - September 6, 2019
District 44 Legislative Forum
Northport Library 2714 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United StatesSenator Merrill Piepkorn, and Representatives Josh Boschee and Karla Rose Hanson will provide timely reports on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session. We will meet at the Northport Library Community Room (2714 Broadway N, Fargo).
District 21 Legislative Forum
Red Raven Espresso Parlor 916 Main Ave, Fargo, ND, United StatesSenator Kathy Hogan and Representatives Mary Schneider and LaurieBeth Hager will provide updates on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session.
Cass County Dem-NPL Policy Committee Meeting
Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United StatesWe meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Each district has 3 voting members. Meetings are open to all!
ND Democratic-NPL Re-organization
ND Democratic NonPartisan League will reorganize by electing a chair, co-chair, secretary & treasurer. The event will take place in Bismarck - details to follow.
Dem Women Plus Meeting
Zandbroz Variety 420 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, United StatesPlanning for May Potluck
District 41 Dem-NPL Monthly Meeting
Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United StatesJoin us for our monthly District 41 Democratic-NPL meeting. We'll be discussing our upcoming events.
D13 Monthly Meeting
Family Fare Community Room 1100 13th Ave E, West Fargo, NDDistrict 13 meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the local Family Fare, 13th Ave. & 9th St.
District 22 Monthly Meeting
Hagge's Bar & Grill 650 Carl Olsen St, Mapleton, ND, United StatesMonthly Meetings will be held on the third monday of the month weather permitting. Changes in location will also be made public. Email if you are interested in helping.
District 27 Meeting
Fargo Billiards & Gastropub 3234 43rd St S, Fargo, ND, United StatesJoin us for our monthly district meeting! Get updates on Legislative session