Come to Casselton to meet the candidates and help raise money for District 22. We will be selling ice cream treats and freeze pops. $5 dollars for an individual and $10 for an entire family.
Horace Senior Center
214 Thue Ct., Horace, ND, United States
Come to the Horace Senior Center to help raise money for District 22. We will be selling ice cream treats and freeze pops at $5 dollars for a person and $10 dollars for families. Meet the candidates. We will have yard signs available for pick up and we will be selling memberships to the 22 […]
Come and enjoy a night of music and speakers at Lindenwood Park. Fargo, ND, Main Shelter. Water and snacks will be provided. Help support your ND Democratic-Nonpartisan League candidate for the Public Service Commission. All proceeds will go to our campaigns media package. To make this happen we need your help. Professional musician and friend […]
Red River Valley Fairgrounds
1805 Main Ave W, West Fargo, ND, United States
The Democratic National Convention programming will be broadcast on a "drive-in" screen at the RRV Fairgrounds! We strongly urge you to stay in your vehicle except when purchasing food or using the restrooms and to wear a mask when you are out of your vehicle. We encourage Dem-NPLers to come a little early for "Fair […]