District 11 Monthly Meeting

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

District 11 will meet on the third Thursday of every month ! Please join us as we converse with our neighbors in the spirit of progress :)

D27 Monthly Meeting

Fargo Billiards & Gastropub 3234 43rd St S, Fargo, ND, United States

Monthly meeting for District 27Dem-Npl. This will be held at the Gastropub in South Fargo.

D16 Monthly Meeting-see Change of location

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

Touching base with everyone, planning summer events, recruiting and training.

District 41 Dem-NPL Monthly Meeting

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us for our monthly District 41 Democratic-NPL meeting. We'll be discussing our upcoming events.

District 22 Meeting Rescheduled

Hagge's Bar & Grill 650 Carl Olsen St, Mapleton, ND, United States

Monthly Meetings will be held on the third monday of the month weather permitting. Changes in location will also be made public. Email samuel.wagner@live.com if you are interested in helping.

District 27 Legislative Forum

Kennedy Elementary School 4401 42nd St. S., Fargo, ND, United States

Join us to hear from your District 27 legislators; Senator Kristin Roers and Representatives Beadle and Buffalo.

Cass County Dem-NPL Policy Committee Meeting

Sen. Merrill Piepkorn's home 1321 3rd St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Our June meeting will take place in Sen Merrill Piepkorn's yard so we can join the D44 fundraiser that evening! Please try to rsvp to D44 so they can plan food. We hope to elect a new co-chair as Adam Goldwyn is taking a temp leave of absence. Nominations are open. Also will discuss and […]

D44 Picnic and Fundraiser at the Piepkorns’!

Merrill & Connie Piepkorn 1321 3rd St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Summer is finally here and we are getting our BBQ plans in order! We hope you will join us for a fun picnic/BBQ/fundraiser hosted by our own Merrill and Connie Piepkorn on June 11th from 5:30-8pm! We will be bringing the burgers, brats, and buns - please feel free to bring a dish (a hot […]

District 45 Monthly Meeting

Trollwood Park 3664 Elm St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Our monthly meeting for June

District 16 Monthly Meeting

Cass County Democratic-NPL 1325 23rd St S, suite B, Fargo, ND, United States

We're still having issues with scheduling at the library, so we'll stay at headquarters for now.