2024 General Election Judges: contact Cass County Elections to Apply
The 2024 General Election will be held on November 5, 2024. Cass County will be operating 6 Early Voting Centers leading up to Election Day as well as 14 Metro Vote Centers and 6 Rural Vote Centers available on Election Day.
According to NDCC 16.1-05-01, the election judges for each polling place must be appointed in writing by the district chairs representing the two parties that cast the largest number of votes in the state at the last general election. Please note that a person may not work on an election board if they are a candidate or relative of a candidate on the ballot.
- Please note that the rate of pay for Election Officers is $15.34/hour.
We are requesting each district chair appoint judges for our Early Voting, Election Day, and Absentee Boards. Each precinct has been assigned to specific vote centers that are in or close to your precincts.
- Early Voting: TBD
- Election Day: TBD.
- Absentee Board: One absentee precinct will be held on Tuesday, November 5. The absentee board will be at our election warehouse.
Training is required and sessions are scheduled TBD
Absentee Board: those assigned to work on the absentee board will receive training the morning of Election Day immediately prior to processing absentee ballots.
The Cass County Canvassing Board will meet on TBD
Pursuant to NDCC 16.1-15-15 the canvassing board “must” be comprised of a representative of each of the two pollical parties. Please be prepared to either attend canvassing or appoint someone to represent your district. Each political party from each legislative district within a county may request representation on the canvassing board if there is equal representation from each of the political parties.
Election Officers: Positions and Responsibilities
Every member of the election board and each poll clerk must be a qualified elector of Cass County. A student in North Dakota who has attained the age of 16 is eligible to be appointed as a poll clerk (See NDCC 16.1-05-02 (1b) for more information). All positions are paid $15.34/hr.
*An individual may not serve as an election officer if they are a candidate or the family member of a candidate on the ballot.
1. Inspector:
- Serve as the polling place supervisor.
- Ensure all election officials are properly performing their duties at the polling place.
- Manage staff and monitor polling location throughout the day, address any issues that may arise.
- Generate canvass report from the optical scan voting system upon closing of polls.
- Complete and sign all required paperwork as directed by the election administrators.
- Return all required items to the Cass County Courthouse after all duties are completed on election night.
- Contact Cass County Finance Office if interested.
2. Judges:
- Initial and deliver ballots to the voters within a secrecy
- Give instructions to the voter regarding
- Primary elections only, the judge shall inform each elector before voting, that voting for candidates of more than one party will cause the voter’s party ballot to be rejected.
- Provide voter assistance as
- Set up, take down and cleaning of polling
- This is a partisan position, contact your District Chair if interested.
3. Clerks:
- Manage the poll
- Verify voters’ identification, asking every voter if they are a S. Citizen and if they have lived at their residential address for at least 30 days.
- Update incorrect voter
- Other ministerial duties assigned by the
- Set up, take down and cleaning of polling
- Contact Cass County Finance Office if interested.
4. Absentee Judges:
- Examine absentee ballot envelope and compare the signature on the attached application with the signature on the ballot to the votes are being cast by only those voters qualified to do so.
- Open return envelopes and separate the voted ballots from the ballot
- Initial all accepted ballots and prepare them for
- Package all ballots and envelopes to return to County Finance
- This is a partisan position, contact your District Chair if interested.