Senator Kathy Hogan and Representatives Mary Schneider and LaurieBeth Hager will provide updates on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session. Location & time TBD
District 22 and 45 will be having a networking night at the FM Amvets on March 5th. We will be grilling up steaks and have a potato and beans to go with your dinner. Free will donation ($10 minimum, suggested $15). Since this is at a local bar, this is not a kid friendly event. […]
Senator Merrill Piepkorn, and Representatives Josh Boschee and Karla Rose Hanson will provide timely reports on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session. We will meet at Broadway Station Center - Senior Center (1461 Broadway N, Fargo)
The goal is to provide residents of the City of West Fargo - Government and the West Fargo Public Schools with an opportunity to hear from their elected officials who are serving in the State Legislature while the legislative session is in progress. West Fargo City Commission Chambers 800 4th Ave E West Fargo, ND
Monthly Meetings will be held on the third monday of the month weather permitting. Changes in location will also be made public. Email if you are interested in helping.
Senator Merrill Piepkorn, and Representatives Josh Boschee and Karla Rose Hanson will provide timely reports on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session. We will meet at the Northport Library Community Room (2714 Broadway N, Fargo).
Senator Kathy Hogan and Representatives Mary Schneider and LaurieBeth Hager will provide updates on bills and committees of the 2019 Legislative session.